Beyond Turnout: How Compulsory Voting Shapes Citizens and Political Parties. Oxford University Press (Comparative Politics Series). 2021.
The Power of Polls? A Cross-National Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Campaign Polls, with J. Roy and P. Fournier. Cambridge University Press (Elements in Campaigns and Elections Series). 2021.
PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES “Compulsory Voting Increases Men's Turnout Most.” Accepted pending replication. American Journal of Political Science. “The Pigmentocracy of Executive Approval,” with R. Carlin. Comparative Political Studies. 2025. 58(2): 327-363. “Less Human Than Human: Threat, Language, and Relative Dehumanization,” with J. Tir. British Journal of Political Science. 2024. 54(3): 612-628.
“Does the Salience of Partisan Competition Increase Affective Polarization in the United States?,” with J. Thornton. Political Research Quarterly. 2024. 77(1): 45-58. “Is Compulsory Voting a Solution to Low and Declining Turnout? Cross-National Evidence Since 1945,” with F. Kostelka and A. Blais. Political Science Research and Methods. 2024. 12(1): 76-93. “Compulsory Voting Diminishes the Relationship Between Winning and Satisfaction with Democracy.” Journal of Politics. 2023. 85(3): 1079-1093.
“Threat-Inducing Violent Events Exacerbate Social Desirability Bias in Survey Responses,” with J. Tir. American Journal of Political Science. 2023. 67(1): 154-169. “Satisfaction with Democracy: A Review of a Major Public Opinion Indicator," with Q. Mayne. Public Opinion Quarterly. 2023. 87(1): 187-218
“Who Would Vote NOTA? Explaining a ‘None of the Above’ Choice in Eight Countries,” with C. Plescia and S. Kritzinger. European Journal of Political Research. 2023. 62(1): 118-134.
“Does Compulsory Voting Affect How Voters Choose? A Test Using a Combined Conjoint and Regression Discontinuity Analysis.” Comparative Political Studies. 2022. 55(12): 2119-2143. “Does Threat from COVID-19 Stimulate Attitudes Amenable to Public Cooperation? Evidence from India,” with J. Tir. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 2022. 24(4): 598-606. “The Political-Economic Correlates of Discursive Engagement in Europe,” with Q. Mayne. Political Research Quarterly. 2022. 75(2): 291-306. “From the American South to South America: Testing Whether Patterns of Competition in Two-Round Elections Travel from the United States to Latin America,” with C. S. Bullock, III. Social Science Quarterly. 2022. 103(1): 155-167. “What Type of Democracy Do Chileans Want?,” with N. S. Williams. Research & Politics. 2021. 8(3): 1-8. “Gender Differences in the Impact of Electoral Victory on Satisfaction with Democracy,” with N. S. Williams and A. Snipes. Electoral Studies. 2021. 69(1): 102205.
“The Effects of Militarized Interstate Disputes on Incumbent Voting Across Genders,” with J. Tir. Political Behavior. 2019. 41(4): 975-999. “Compulsory Voting and Parties’ Vote Seeking Strategies.” American Journal of Political Science. 2019. 63(1): 37-52.
“Elections Activate Partisanship Across Countries,” with J. Thornton. American Political Science Review. 2019. 113(1): 248-253.
“Politically Unengaged, Distrusting, and Disaffected Individuals Drive the Link between Compulsory Voting and Invalid Balloting.” Political Science Research and Methods. 2019. 7(1): 107-123. “Compulsory Voting and Dissatisfaction with Democracy.” British Journal of Political Science. 2018. 48(3): 843-854.
“Compulsory Voting and Voter Information Seeking,” with J. Roy. Research & Politics. 2018. 5(1): 1-8. “Partisanship, Militarized International Conflict, and Electoral Support for the Incumbent,” with J. Tir. Political Research Quarterly. 2018. 71(1): 172-183. “How Issue Frames Shape Beliefs About the Importance of Climate Change Policy Across Ideological and Partisan Groups,” with M. Swanson. PLoS ONE. 2017. 12(7): e0181401. “Election Outcomes, Legislative Representation, and Satisfaction with Democracy,” with A. Blais and A. Morin-Chassé. Party Politics. 2017. 23(2): 85-95.
“Elections as Poorer Reflections of Preferences Under Compulsory Voting.” Electoral Studies. 2016. 44(1): 56-65. “Strange Bedfellows: Coalition Makeup and Perceptions of Democratic Performance Among Electoral Winners,” with J. Thornton. Electoral Studies. 2016. 42(1): 114-125. “Executive Power and Economic Accountability,” with R. Carlin. Journal of Politics. 2015. 77(4): 1031-1044.
“An Experimental Analysis of the Impact of Campaign Polls on Electoral Information Seeking,” with J. Roy, P. Fournier, and B. Andrew. Electoral Studies. 2015. 40(1): 146-157. “Explaining Attitudes Toward Immigration: The Role of Regional Context and Individual Predispositions,” with J. Karreth and S. Stojek. West European Politics. 2015. 38(6): 1174-1202. “Authoritarianism, Socioethnic Diversity, and Political Participation Across Countries,” with K. Dunn. European Journal of Political Research. 2015. 54(3): 563-581.
“Compulsory Voting and the Turnout Decision Calculus.” Political Studies. 2015. 63(3): 548-568. “The Moderating Impact of Network Heterogeneity on the Relationships Among Core Values, Partisanship, and Candidate Evaluations,” with R. Lupton and J. Thornton. Political Psychology. 2015. 36(4): 399-414. “Get Off My Lawn: Territorial Civil Wars and Subsequent Social Intolerance in the Public,” with J. Tir. Journal of Peace Research. 2015. 52(4): 478-491. “Happy Medium, Happy Citizens: Presidential Power and Democratic Regime Support,” with R. Carlin. Political Research Quarterly. 2015. 68(1): 3-17.
“Trust Matters: The Impact of In-Group and Out-Group Trust on Nativism and Civicness,” with M. Crepaz, J. Polk, and R. Bakker. Social Science Quarterly. 2014. 95(4): 938-959. “Not all Election Winners are Equal: Satisfaction with Democracy and the Nature of the Vote.” European Journal of Political Research. 2014. 53(2): 308-327.
“Linear and Quadratic Utility Loss Functions in Voting Behavior Research.” Journal of Theoretical Politics. 2014. 26(1): 35-58. “Political Knowledge, the Decision Calculus, and Proximity Voting,” with J. Roy. Electoral Studies. 2014. 34(1): 89-99. “Pluralistic Conditioning: Social Tolerance and Effective Democracy,” with K. Dunn. Democratization. 2014. 21(1): 1-28. “Is It the Economy or Foreign Policy, Stupid? The Impact of Foreign Crises on Leader Support,” with J. Tir. Comparative Politics. 2013. 46(1): 83-101. “Compulsory Voting and the Dynamics of Partisan Identification,” with J. Thornton. European Journal of Political Research. 2013. 52(2): 188-211. “Veto Players, the Policymaking Environment, and the Expression of Authoritarian Attitudes,” with K. Dunn. Political Studies. 2013. 61(1): 119-141. “Where Do Parties Live? Electoral Institutions, Party Incentives, and the Dimensionality of Politics.” Social Science Quarterly. 2012. 93(4): 950-967. “Canadian and American Voting Strategies: Does Institutional Socialization Matter?,” with J. Roy. Canadian Journal of Political Science. 2012. 45(2): 289-312. “Differentiating Winners: How Elections Affect Satisfaction with Democracy,” with E. Karakoç and A. Blais. Electoral Studies. 2012. 31(1): 201-211. “Contradictory Calculi: Differences in Individuals’ Turnout Decisions Across Electoral Systems.” Political Research Quarterly. 2011. 64(3): 646-655. “Winning and Competitiveness as Determinants of Political Support,” with I. Lago and A. Blais. Social Science Quarterly. 2011. 92(3): 695-709. “The Surprising Non-Impact of Radical Right-Wing Populist Party Representation on Public Tolerance of Minorities,” with K. Dunn. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2011. 21(3): 313-331. “How Compelling is Compulsory Voting? A Multilevel Analysis of Turnout.” Political Behavior. 2011. 33(1): 95-111. “Political Institutions, Policymaking, and Policy Stability in Latin America,” with C. Pereira and B. Mueller. Latin American Politics and Society. 2011. 53(1): 59-89. “Contextual Influences on the Decision Calculus: A Cross-National Analysis of Proximity Voting.” Electoral Studies. 2010. 29(3): 425-434. “The Dimensions of Politics and Voter Behaviour in Preferential Systems: The Case of Australia.” Australian Journal of Political Science. 2009. 44(3): 421-437. “Legislative Diversity and Social Tolerance: How Multiparty Systems Lead to Tolerant Citizens,” with K. Dunn and S. Orellana. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2009. 19(3): 283-312. “Do Governing Institutions Affect Foreign Direct Investment Inflows? New Evidence from Emerging Economies,” with D. Wernick and J. Haar. International Journal of Economics & Business Research. 2009. 1(3): 317-332. PEER-REVIEWED BOOK CHAPTERS “Compulsory Voting: The View from Canada and the United States,” with N. S. Williams. In A Century of Compulsory Voting in Australia: Genesis, Impact and Future, eds. M. Bonotti and P. Strangio. 2021. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 235-258. “Polls, Partisanship, and Voter Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis,” with J. Roy and P. Fournier. In Voting Experiments, eds. A. Blais, J.-F. Laslier, and K. Van der Straeten. 2016. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, 171-189. “Political Institutions, Perceptions of Representation, and the Turnout Decision,” with A. Blais and D. Dumitrescu. In Elections and Democracy: Representation and Accountability, ed. J. Thomassen. 2014. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 99-112. EDITOR-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS "Compulsory Voting.” Democracy Reform Primer Series, ed. A. Fowler. 2024. Chicago: University of Chicago Center for Effective Government. “Compulsory Voting and the United States.” In Changing How America Votes, ed. T. Donovan. 2018. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 14-25. “Beyond Turnout: The Consequences of Compulsory Voting.” Political Insight. 2014. 5(2): 22-25. RESEARCH GRANTS “The Power of Polls? A Cross-National Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Campaign Polls on the Vote Decision Process and Choice,” with J. Roy and P. Fournier. CA$181,806 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 2016-2020. “Who’s Ahead, Who’s Behind: Election Decision-Making with (and without) Polls,” with J. Roy, P. Fournier, and B. Andrew. CA$63,786 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 2013-2016. “Bearing the Costs of Participation: An Experiment in Electoral Complexity, Political Information, and Voting,” with J. Roy. CA$3,000 from the Canada Research Chair in Electoral Studies. 2009-2010. |
Last Update: February 2025