Beyond Turnout: How Compulsory Voting Shapes Citizens and Political Parties. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Comparative Politics Series). 2021.
Journal Articles
“Is Compulsory Voting a Solution to Low and Declining Turnout? Cross-National Evidence Since 1945,” with F. Kostelka and A. Blais. Political Science Research and Methods. 2024. 12(1): 76-93.
“Compulsory Voting Diminishes the Relationship Between Winning and Satisfaction with Democracy.” Journal of Politics. 2023. 85(3): 1079-1093.
“Does Compulsory Voting Affect How Voters Choose? A Test Using a Combined Conjoint and Regression Discontinuity Analysis.” Comparative Political Studies. 2022. 55(12): 2119-2143.
“What Type of Democracy Do Chileans Want?,” with N. S. Williams. Research & Politics. 2021. 8(3): 1-8.
“Compulsory Voting and Parties’ Vote Seeking Strategies.” American Journal of Political Science. 2019. 63(1): 37-52.
“Politically Unengaged, Distrusting, and Disaffected Individuals Drive the Link between Compulsory Voting and Invalid Balloting.” Political Science Research and Methods. 2019. 7(1): 107-123.
“Compulsory Voting and Dissatisfaction with Democracy.” British Journal of Political Science. 2018. 48(3): 843-854.
“Compulsory Voting and Voter Information Seeking,” with J. Roy. Research & Politics. 2018. 5(1): 1-8.
“Elections as Poorer Reflections of Preferences Under Compulsory Voting.” Electoral Studies. 2016. 44(1): 56-65.
“Compulsory Voting and the Turnout Decision Calculus.” Political Studies. 2015. 63(3): 548-568.
“Beyond Turnout: The Consequences of Compulsory Voting.” Political Insight. 2014. 5(2): 22-25.
“Compulsory Voting and the Dynamics of Partisan Identification,” with J. Thornton. European Journal of Political Research. 2013. 52(2): 188-211.
“How Compelling is Compulsory Voting? A Multilevel Analysis of Turnout.” Political Behavior. 2011. 33(1): 95-111.
Other Publications
"Compulsory Voting.” Democracy Reform Primer Series, ed. A. Fowler. 2024. Chicago: University of Chicago Center for Effective Government.
“Compulsory Voting: The View from Canada and the United States,” with N. S. Williams. In A Century of Compulsory Voting in Australia: Genesis, Impact and Future, eds. M. Bonotti and P. Strangio. 2021. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 235-258
“Compulsory Voting and the United States.” In Changing How America Votes, ed. T. Donovan. 2018. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 14-25.
Beyond Turnout: How Compulsory Voting Shapes Citizens and Political Parties. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Comparative Politics Series). 2021.
- front matter, references, and index
- review in Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública
Journal Articles
“Is Compulsory Voting a Solution to Low and Declining Turnout? Cross-National Evidence Since 1945,” with F. Kostelka and A. Blais. Political Science Research and Methods. 2024. 12(1): 76-93.
“Compulsory Voting Diminishes the Relationship Between Winning and Satisfaction with Democracy.” Journal of Politics. 2023. 85(3): 1079-1093.
- See the associated blog entry at the JOP.
“Does Compulsory Voting Affect How Voters Choose? A Test Using a Combined Conjoint and Regression Discontinuity Analysis.” Comparative Political Studies. 2022. 55(12): 2119-2143.
“What Type of Democracy Do Chileans Want?,” with N. S. Williams. Research & Politics. 2021. 8(3): 1-8.
“Compulsory Voting and Parties’ Vote Seeking Strategies.” American Journal of Political Science. 2019. 63(1): 37-52.
- Winner of the 2020 Jack Walker Outstanding Article Award, Political Organizations and Parties Section, American Political Science Association
- See the associated blog entries at the AJPS and the Centre for Democratic Engagement.
“Politically Unengaged, Distrusting, and Disaffected Individuals Drive the Link between Compulsory Voting and Invalid Balloting.” Political Science Research and Methods. 2019. 7(1): 107-123.
“Compulsory Voting and Dissatisfaction with Democracy.” British Journal of Political Science. 2018. 48(3): 843-854.
“Compulsory Voting and Voter Information Seeking,” with J. Roy. Research & Politics. 2018. 5(1): 1-8.
“Elections as Poorer Reflections of Preferences Under Compulsory Voting.” Electoral Studies. 2016. 44(1): 56-65.
“Compulsory Voting and the Turnout Decision Calculus.” Political Studies. 2015. 63(3): 548-568.
“Beyond Turnout: The Consequences of Compulsory Voting.” Political Insight. 2014. 5(2): 22-25.
“Compulsory Voting and the Dynamics of Partisan Identification,” with J. Thornton. European Journal of Political Research. 2013. 52(2): 188-211.
“How Compelling is Compulsory Voting? A Multilevel Analysis of Turnout.” Political Behavior. 2011. 33(1): 95-111.
Other Publications
"Compulsory Voting.” Democracy Reform Primer Series, ed. A. Fowler. 2024. Chicago: University of Chicago Center for Effective Government.
“Compulsory Voting: The View from Canada and the United States,” with N. S. Williams. In A Century of Compulsory Voting in Australia: Genesis, Impact and Future, eds. M. Bonotti and P. Strangio. 2021. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 235-258
“Compulsory Voting and the United States.” In Changing How America Votes, ed. T. Donovan. 2018. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 14-25.
Last Update: October 2024